Field trips and other events
coming up soon…
* Gundalow Sailing Trip - Monday, May 11th at 8:30am
* Grades 3-5 Chorus Concert - Wednesday, May 13 at 7pm (PHS)
* Grade 5 Band Concert - Wednesday, May 20 at 7pm (PHS)
* Gary the Clown Show - Thursday, May 21 (time to be announced)
* Parents as Reading Partners - Friday, May 29 at 8:15am
* 5th Grade Environmental Camp - Monday, June 1, through Friday, June 5
* Boston Freedom Trail - Tuesday, June 9
* NFS Lawn Fete - Wednesday, June 10
* Spring Student Showcase - Thursday, June 11
* 5th Grade breakfast/graduation - date and time to be announced
* Last day of school - Friday, June 19